A decision of the Council of State enjoined the CHUs to acquire a “reliable device […] allowing to count” the working time of the interns in June. But “no serious progress had emerged”, according to the unions.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The medical and pharmacy internal unions assigned to justice the thirty university hospital centers (CHU) in France to enforce the legal ceiling of forty-eight hours of work per week, they announced Thursday 1
The National Internsyndicale of Interns (ISNI), the National Autonomous Intersyndicale representative of general medicine interns (ISNAR-IMG) and the National Federation of Internal Unions in Pharmacy and Medical Biology (FNSIP-BM) thus understand Apply a decision of the Council of State. On June 22, high administrative jurisdiction had enjoined Public hospitals to acquire a “reliable, objective and accessible device allowing to count” the working time of their doctors and internal. On the faith of this decision, “we launched an ultimatum in July to all CHUs, leaving them a chance to implement concrete responses to this problem”, write the three unions in a common press release.
“noting that no serious progress had emerged, we decided this Monday, November 28, to attack (thirty) on court so that the labor law of the interns is finally respected”, continue- they. The assignments were filed before the administrative courts.
According to a July 2021 survey quoted by the unions, 70 % of interns declare that they exceed forty-eight weekly hours, and half fifty-eight hours. “This organized exceeding of working time has heavy consequences on our mental health,” insist these organizations. They recall that in 2021, a union survey showed that “75 % of medical students had anxiety symptoms, 67 % of burnout symptoms, 39 % of depressive symptoms and 19 % of suicidal ideas”. “By refusing to take seriousness of our working time, the CHU perpetuate these conditions,” said the three unions, denouncing “the cynicism of the situation”, which is used to “compensate for the lack of public hospital means “.
The interns claim to ensure, “to a derisory salary of 5.42 euros per hour actually worked”, a “secretarial work, hounding, operating aid” … as many employees as “the CHU no longer has To be used, “they recall. “Overcoming working time is not used for our training but for our exploitation,” they also accuse.