Great Britain will oblige social networks to introduce rules for filtering content

The Government of Great Britain canceled requirement /A>, which makes the social networks delete “legal, but undesirable” content. Such a decision was made after legislators and activists expressed fears that the requirement could limit freedom of speech on the Internet.

In the previous version of the bill, companies such as Twitter or Meta*were sanctions if they did not delete certain types of content that the British government considered it “legal, but undesirable.”

Laws decided to abandon this rule due to fears that it can allow the government to take strict measures against content and risks limiting freedom of speech.

Social networks are still obliged to delete illegal content related to criminal activity – fraud, threats, persecution and kidnapping, pornography, selling drugs and weapons.

However, platforms can establish their own rules regarding how to handle “harmful but legal content.” If the companies decide to delete any material or block the user, they are required to give him the opportunity to appeal this decision.

For non -compliance with the company’s own rules, the company will be fined up to 10% of the annual turnover. The latest amendments made to the security bill on the Internet will be discussed by members of the parliament on December 5

*META and the company’s products (Instagram and Facebook) are recognized as extremist organizations; Their activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation.

/Media reports cited above.