For two years, eleven serious accidents have been identified, according to data communicated by the Regional Directorate of the Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity of Ile-de-France. No death is to be deplored.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Since the start of construction sites related to the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, there have been 87 work accidents, including eleven serious accidents but no mortal. This is the balance sheet carried out in mid-October and press release, Tuesday, December 6, during a meeting at the Ministry of Labor dedicated to “the prevention of serious and deadly labor accidents”.
Gaëtan Rudant, Director of the DRIEET (Regional Directorate of Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) of Ile-de-France, which oversees the labor inspectorate, said that ” 40 % of these accidents affected people in temporary work “. These “extraordinary” projects, according to Mr. Rudant (“a dozen sites, forty client, 8,000 companions at an instant T”), started almost two years ago but were really raised in power in 2022.
five hundred interventions this year
Since the beginning of 2022, “the labor inspection carried out five hundred interventions, that is to say a labor inspector mobilized each day, which gives the necessary visibility for effective control,” said Rudant. This led “twenty-nine decisions to stop work to remove a hundred workers at an imminent and serious risk,” he said.
“Even on such a considerable site, the reality of the risks that we treat is quite familiar (fall in height, lifting and handling equipment, electrical risks …)”, he noted. If there is a strong collaboration in terms of prevention and social dialogue with construction professionals, “we have summoned the owners three times to convey messages with a certain insistence”, for example concerning traffic vehicles and pedestrians, he said.