“Stop impunity of raging and fascist intimidation against Sophie Djigo”

Tribune. Our colleague Sophie Djigo is a philosopher and researcher, teacher in preparatory classes, author of several reference works on the question of migration and founder of the Migraction59 association fully engaged in support for migrants in Calais.

It is currently the target of attacks of several far -right movements, on the social networks of which its name, its photo, the videos of its interventions and its professional address are broadcast and exposed to vindictive and media lynching. She has been receiving insults for weeks, undergoes harassment and explicit death threats, whose rise in power led her, following a new escalation, to ask for functional protection on November 28.

A recovery press release! And another of the national rally explicitly designates her as a corrupter of youth by her teaching activity, thereby criminalizing the simple educational action to raise awareness of solidarity practices, which is nevertheless an integral and recognized part of an education in citizenship. Indeed, the pretext of this outburst is the organization of an exit from students of preparatory classes to testify to the living conditions of migrants in Calais and the forms of solidarity which are brought to them.

Ministerial stigmatizations

researchers and teachers are thus regularly exposed to the violence of these networks and their intimidation maneuvers. And the collusion maintained between political power and the far-right powers, favored by ministerial stigmatizations against “Islamo-leftists”, introduce a trivialization of xenophobic and racist violence.

The brutality of the insults and intimidation suffered by our colleague therefore attests to a real coordinated and uninhibited offensive, more particularly in the North at the moment, where other university colleagues are collectively undergoing similar attacks.

Sophie Djigo is both a philosopher and an activist, whose solidarity, particularly effective and determined action is linked to a deep researcher reflection and to an intellectually demanding, recognized and high -level teaching activity in the system of higher public education. And the rectorate has, moreover, decided to support it by complaining for defamation.

xenophobic policies and liberticides

And yet she had to give up the organization of a meeting between her students and the volunteers of the Auberge des Migrants, in Calais, for fear of a violent descent of the xenophobic associations who disclosed the date . And this form of intimidation constitutes a real cultural gag.

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/Media reports cited above.