The Paris Court of Appeal ordered Friday withdrawn from the campaign “Les Chasseurs, first environmentalists in France?”, Launched in 2018. According to her, the communication operation of the hunters reproduces “the characteristics of the charter Graphic “of the league for birds.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
They will no longer have the right to use this graphic charter. In a judgment rendered on December 2, the Paris Court of Appeal found a communication campaign launched in 2018 by the National Federation of Hunters (FNC) and baptized: “The hunters, first environmentalists in France?”. The Court considers that the FNC “committed acts of counterfeiting of the patrimonial rights of the league for the protection of birds [LPO] by reproducing the characteristics of the graphic charter of the latter and of the three posters” #naturealertcarder “, “#NATUREALT-LOUTRE” and “LPO refuge” “.
Thus, it now prohibits the FNC from using or reproducing the three posters concerned and the graphic charter of the LPO “in any form whatsoever and in any capacity” and orders their withdrawal from their site Internet. The organization has also been ordered to pay 10,000 euros in compensation to the LPO, under legal costs. 2> “Justice has just turned the page of this tartuferie”
Contacted by the France-Presse agency, the FNC did not wish to react. The LPO for its part was congratulated by this court decision in favor of the protection of its intellectual property right.
In a press release released on Monday, the president of the Nature Protection Association, Allain Bougrain-Dubourg advances in particular:
Pollution by lead, destruction of species in poor state of conservation, fighting against the creation of protected spaces, released from livestock game, destruction of small allied predators of agriculture … After such a prize list, the Hunters would like to make believe that they are the first environmentalists in France, moreover by plagiating the LPO.
This communication campaign, originally intended to restore the ecorned image of hunters, had been castigating by several environmental defense associations and had already been the subject of several dumps.
The Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority (ARPP) estimated in 2018 that the affirmation “First Ecologists of France” concerning hunters was not based on “objective and verifiable supporting elements”, asking the RATP to add a question mark on the posters posted in the Paris metro.
The FNC was then sentenced in February 2021 by the Paris court for “parasitism to the damage of the LPO France association”. A decision that the hunters had appealed.