Pension reform: unions prepare response

While Emmanuel Macron has reaffirmed the “essential” character of a postponement of the legal age, the social partners want to organize to weigh in the discussions on the future reform.

by Bertrand Bissuel

Unions are gradually immersing themselves in an atmosphere of arms vigil. Monday, December 5, eight employee organizations and five movements representing high school students and students were to once again come together about the pension reform. One of the main points on the agenda is to advance in the preparation of a collective action against the executive project, which the protagonists unanimously denounce.

The meeting was planned while Emmanuel Macron has just reaffirmed the “essential” character of the transformations to be undertaken, in order to “save the [pensions] system”. “The only lever we have is to work longer,” hammered the President of the Republic on Saturday on TF1, stressing that “funding needs are massive and will continue to increase”. In a river interview with the daily Le Parisien on Sunday, the head of state recognizes that the “effort” requested does not delight anyone, while insisting on the measures of “justice and equity” which are in order During the day: Riding of the minimum pension for people who have completed a complete career, taking into account the arduousness of the trades, derogatory arrangements for those who entered working life early …

Mr. Macron’s declarations are added to those made by Elisabeth Borne in an interview with the Parisian, dated Friday. Sketching the contours of the reform, the Prime Minister indicates that it will be unveiled “before the Christmas holidays”, to be examined in Parliament during the spring of 2023 then implemented from the summer. M borne also maintains that no decision has been made, with regard to the recovery of the legal retirement age, while recalling that “the commitment” of M . Macron, during the presidential campaign, was to go gradually around 65 years.

This speaking has greatly irritated the unions, because it gave them the impression that the mass was said even though the executive has just opened a last “consultation cycle” on “balance” financial ” Pension plans with employee and employers’ organizations. “We do not understand the Prime Minister’s strategy when it is expressed through the press to present elements that are not really featured in the pension reform, says Yvan Ricordeau, national secretary of the CFDT. ‘A nonsense, especially since the discussions between the government and the social partners on this file continue. “

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/Media reports cited above.