Lack of critical thinking, disconnection of societal issues … Some consider these courses too theoretical. But, carrying the labor market, they are very coveted by the students.
by margherita nasi
Do we become more selfish by studying the economy? If it may seem eccentric, this question has been mobilizing experts in the matter for several decades, who question the effects of their teaching on the behavior of students. She laid back in mid-November again, as part of the days of days of the economy . Organized by the French Association of Political Economy, made up of heterodox economists, the event brought together business leaders, social actors and political leaders. During the opening of the conference on the pluralism of this teaching, the professor of economics Nicolas Eber evoked abundant literature on the subject.
Already in 1981, American sociologists Marwell and Ames observe that economics students contribute significantly less to the public good than other disciplines. Since then, many studies have shown a specificity of these students: they tend to be less sensitive to equity, unless cooperate, display more individualistic values and are more favorable to the market. Nicolas Eber wonders: does study the economy make bad citizens? Above all, can we imagine more open courses?
The subject mobilizes researchers and is invited into the Amphis. Perceived as accessible and professionalizing, the courses in economics and management are acclaimed by the students: the eco-management license was among the most requested on Parcoursup in 2022, with nearly 116,000 wishes. “This license offers a lot of outlets: bank, finance, management, marketing, computer science. It’s a good option when you do not yet know what you want to do and you want to leave open doors,” explains Sheima Tamssaoute , 19 years old, registered in eco-management license in Paris-Est-Créteil. “It is also cheaper than a business school, and less stressful than a preparatory class,” said his comrade Ayoub Benyahya, 18.
“A less neoliberal vision of the world”
The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Paris-Est-Créteil receives more and more applications, notes its administrator, François Legendre: “25 % more each year since the launch of Parcoursup. We are more than 7,500 requests for 430 places. “The economics teacher explains this craze by” the decline of the preparation classes, which recruit less than before “, an influx of female candidates -” with the reform of the bac, the girls let go The most scientific and turn to eco-management “-and a concern for professional integration:” The eco-management license forms in the professions of tomorrow. With the digitization of the company, the big boxes are in search of profiles with A double cap, capable of doing data science while having a good knowledge of the business world. “Finally, underlines François Legendre, the students appreciate this sector which allows them to face the challenges of society.
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