The attack “was detected early”, which made it possible to “start all the protection measures”, assured the Minister of Health. According to him, the cyberattaque had no “immediate impact” on the hospital establishment.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The Versailles Hospital Center, located at Chesnay-Rocquencourt (Yvelines), has been targeted since Saturday evening by a cyber attack that disrupts its activity, said the management of the establishment on Sunday, December 4, confirming information from franceinfo . The reception of patients is therefore “limited”, explained the hospital, specifying that the computer system had been cut and an open crisis cell.
interviewed on bfm-tv Minister of Health, François Braun, explained that the cyber attack had “no immediate impact” on the activity of the establishment and that patient transfers were “not envisaged for the moment”. The hospital “put in data protection mode”, continued Mr. Braun, adding that the attack had been “was detected early”, which made it possible to “start all the protective measures” .
According to the management of the hospital, the entire hospital center is targeted by the cyber attack, including the André-Mignot hospital, which brings together all the short-stay services and the ambulatory. The Samu “is not reached” by the attack, according to the Minister of Health.
The Corbeil-Essonnes hospital paralyzed for several weeks
On August 22, the South Ile-de-France Hospital Center (CHSF) in Corbeil-Essonnes, which ensures the health coverage of nearly 700,000 inhabitants of the Grande Crown Parisian, was also the target of a cyberattack which strongly disrupted its operation for several weeks. Its activity has become close to normal in mid-October.
The attack was followed by a ransom request of $ 10 million, then reduced to $ 1 or 2 million. The hackers had set an ultimatum on September 23 at the hospital to pay the ransom. After this period, they had disseminated a series of confidential data on patients, staff or partners of the establishment on the Dark Web.
For several months, hospitals and health systems have been victims of cyber attacks on the part of groups of hackers who have blocked or disclosed confidential information on their patients and put out of service.