presented release 4mlinux 41.0 , a minimalist user distribution that is not a branch from other projects and using a graphic environment based on JWM. 4Mlinux can be used not only as a Live-cropping to play multimedia files and solving user problems, but also as a recovery system after failures and platforms for launching LAMP servers (Linux, Apache, Mariadb and PHP). Two ISO-image (1.2 GB, x86_64) with a graphic environment and with a selection of programs for programs was prepared. server systems.
in the new version:
- Updated versions of the packages: Linux 6.0.9, Mesa 22.1.4, Wine 7.18, Libreoffice 7.4.3, Gnome Office (Abiword 3.0.5, Gimp, Gnumeric 1.12.52), Dropbox 151.4304, GNUMP. Firefox 107.0, Chromium 106.0.5249, Thunderbird 102.5.0, Audacious 4.2, VLC, SMPLAYER 22.2.0, Apache HTTPD 2.4.54, Mariadb 10.6.11, PHP 5.6.40/7.4.33, Perl 5.36.0. , Python 2.7.18, Python 3.10.6, Ruby 3.1.2.
- The composition includes the FILEZILA FTP client, the XPAINT and GNU Paint drawing programs, the NVME NVME-setting tools and the set of simple games based on the SDL library.
- For a separate load in the form of loaded extensions, the Bluegriff HTML editor, the game-platform of The Legend of Edgar, the QUAKE port IOQUAKE3 and the BZFLAG.
- The default video player is changed to the SMPlayer, and the music truster on Audacious.
- Support for installation on sections with FS BTRFS.
tank game
/Media reports cited above.