After a more year of development published release of Live Distribution graml 2022.11 , based on the DEBIAN GNU/Linux package base. The distribution contains a selection of programs for the processing of text data processing TEXTTOOLS package and to perform work arising in the practice of system administrators (restoring data after failure, analysis of incidents, etc.). The graphic environment is built using a window manager fluxbox . The size of the complete ISO-image 855 MB , short- 492 MB .
In the new issue:
- Synchronization of packages with the Debian Testing repository as of November 11.
- Live system translated into the general section /usr (catalogs /bin, /sbin and /lib* decorated as symbolic links to the corresponding catalogs inside /usr).
- Updated versions of packages, including the Linux 6.0 core, Perl 5.36, Python 3.10, Ruby 3.0.
- Added 18 new packages, 26 packages have been replaced or removed. Among the new packages: Polkitd, SQLite3, DBUS-Daemon, ExfatProgs, F2FS-TOOOLS, HPING3, InetUTILS-TELNET, JO, MBUFFER, MyRESCUE, NFTABALES, NTPSEC, PKEXEC, STENC, USRMERGE, UTIL-LINX-ExTER. Among the remote packages: Mercurial, Subversion, Tshark, Wireshark-Qt.
- In Live-assembly, the Memtest86+ 6 is integrated with UEFI support.
- Added support for ZFS.
- ensured by default dbus.
/Media reports cited above.