The Minister of Transport wanted to reassure the French on Thursday morning, about the strikes provided for in the SNCF and at Air France, whose effects will be felt, according to him, only by a minority of passengers.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
While threats of transport strike weighs on the holidays, the government wants to be reassuring. “Most of the service will be insured,” said Clément Beaune, Thursday, December 15, on France Inter.
The SNCF announced Wednesday evening that the traffic of trains would be “slightly disturbed” for departures on Christmas vacation, this weekend, due to a strike of part of the referrals and, on the other hand , Atlantic TGV drivers. A “twenty TGV” only will be deleted Friday out of 700 on Friday, assures the railway company.
“There will be some disturbances, and these disturbances will be concentrated on the Atlantic axis”, said the Minister for Transport. But “overall, we will have trains for most French and families this weekend”, he promised.
No cancellations of envisaged flights
m. Beaune also wanted to be reassuring about the situation at Air France, where the unacked unacks and SNGAF of the navigating staff filed a strike notice for the period from December 22 to January 2. In question, a social conflict around the collective agreement of hostesses and stewards. “Air France is organized” and “will be able to ensure the flights of its passengers for Christmas”. The company “does not provide for cancellation,” said the minister, who said he was “optimistic”.
Tuesday, Air France had said to plan “to transport all of its customers” and not to consider “cancellations at this stage”.