Energy wages: agreement at RTE, no exit from crisis at GRDF

Mandatory annual negotiations, which have been held in a context of strong social tensions, are completed in energy companies, with unequal results.

by Aline Leclerc

At the end of a year of tensions, between fears of shortage and social movements for wage increases in the face of inflation, compulsory annual negotiations (NAO) are completed in energy companies. Last to negotiate, RTE (manager of the electricity transport network) found a compromise on Friday December 16, with the four union organizations (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT, FO).

After the signing in mid-October by the corporate partners of the electrical and gas industries (IEG) of a revaluating agreement of 3.3 %, in two stages (1 % retroactive at 1 SUP> July, 2.3 % at 1 er January 2023) The basic national salary, base of the calculation of the wage grid, each company had to negotiate additional measures.

“Everywhere, we gave birth in pain, sums up Sébastien Michel, federal secretary of the CFDT Chemistry-Energy. Given the context, we thought that the directions would be understanding, but not at all! To achieve honorable results! “

” a dramatic year “

At EDF, Enedis, RTE, GRDF, several weeks of strike thus preceded the agreements. That signed with EDF in mid-October provides, in addition to the branch agreement, a revaluation for all of 2.3 % will be added individual increases and a bonus of 2,600 euros gross.

At Enedis (manager of the electricity distribution network), the agreement, unanimous, mid-November, provides 4.6 % for all, individual measures and a bonus. At Engie, on December 9, three organizations validated 2.3 % for all, and 2 % for individual measures.

a rte, it will also be 2.3 % for all at 1 er January, plus a monthly premium of 2.7 % of the salary which will be replaced by an increase of 2.3 % in the 1 January 2025. In a press release, the Human Resources Department of RTE welcomed “this success which follows a nourished and constructive social dialogue”.

The validation of the agreement, however, the day after the dismissal of four RTE agents for computer intervention on the network this summer as part of a social movement.

This act earned them almost eighty-six hours of police custody at the DGSI (Directorate General for Internal Security) and a summons to the criminal court in February. A level of sanction never seen, denounced by the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, in an open letter to the Prime Minister, December 7.

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/Media reports cited above.