Already existing in cinema, public support for local producers working in France for foreign platforms has been extended to audiovisual works (series, documentaries) since Thursday, December 15.
By Nicole Vulser
From the 1 er January 2023, French and European producers established in France will be able to request financial aid from the National Cinema and Animated Image Center (CNC) for preparation and Production of their audiovisual projects (that is to say outside films) preferred by a platform or foreign channels like Netflix, Disney Channel, Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV + for example, indicates the Official Journal of December 15.
adopted by the CNC board of directors on December 8, this reform of the supports constitutes according to the management of the CNC “a new step in the integration of these foreign actors in our production system”.
Since the 1 ER July 2021, France has been the first European country to oblige foreign platforms aimed at the hexagonal territory, to finance cinematographic and audiovisual production. These obligations had been imposed within the framework of the decree which fixes the rules applicable to the audiovisual media services on demand (SMAD), after the transposition in France of the European directive on the audiovisual media services (SMA). This text made it possible to consolidate the financing of French and European creation, while imposing on these new players to work with independent producers.
In the text published in the Olympic Game on December 15, some adjustments have been implemented. To avoid in particular that the continuous exposure of a work in many territories “exhausts its value and deprives the possibility for its producer” to exploit it in the long term, the duration of the rights acquired by the platforms has been capped sixty -For months including thirty-six exclusively.
From the 1 er January 2023, the CNC will also ask audiovisual producers to scrupulously ensure the parity of the filming teams. A specific form relating to the identity and sex of all employees will be required to be able to receive aid. What concerns all professions, from the producer, to the author of the script, to the director, to the director of photography, to the cinematographer, to the costume designer, to the chief decorator, to the editor …
In the field of cinema, no news in the aid specified in the Olympic Games. Film producers already benefit from additional financing counters thanks to the platforms since July 2021. The first films files which include platforms in their co -financing plan were presented to the CNC in 2022. These films should be released in theaters from 2023 .
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