Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had the finance bill. The NUPPS has filed a new censorship motion against this tenth 49.3 and denounces “a coup de force per week”.
by Mariama Darame and Jérémie Lamothe
Initiated as early as October 10, the tumultuous examination of budgetary texts ended Thursday December 15 with the tenth intervention of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, in the gallery of the National Assembly to trigger the last time Article 49, paragraph 3, of the Constitution. Faced with an almost empty hemicycle, the tenant of Matignon this time engaged the responsibility of her government to have the entire finance bill adopted without vote, supposed to determine for the year 2023 a large part of the political and budgetary orientations of France.
A few minutes later, the new popular, ecological and social union (Nuts) announced the deposit of a new common censure motion which should be studied on Saturday December 17. “Borne governs to the rhythm of a coup per week. Government: 10. Democracy: 0”, castigated the president of the group “Insoumis”, Mathilde Panot.
The speech of Elisabeth Borne Thursday afternoon only lasted three minutes, leaving no gallery to the ten groups of the Assembly to express their disagreements one last time and why not vote the motion of preliminary rejection of Groupe La France Insoumise (LFI). For the presidential coalition, which has only a relative majority, the risk was far too big to be beat on this vote and therefore to see the whole finance bill tested.
In her speech, the Prime Minister once again questioned the oppositions before this parliamentary impasse. “We have known advances-I want to greet them. But we also, too often, found a closed door,” she said. On the budget, we cannot find compromise if the oppositions fear, so, from Compromise. “
As she got into the habit, Elisabeth Borne justified her “strength passages” by the deadlines allocated by the constitution of seventy days to be able to examine the budget – the deadline being set for December 16 at midnight . “While time for the debate has been forced by the multiplication of censorship motions, we have to move forward,” she added. The same morning, the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, had assumed the choice of 49.3 before the senators, believing that the government takes “[its] responsibilities: one cannot imagine the sixth world power to face 2023 empty pockets”.
At the end of the summer, the oppositions believed that they could not vote for the budget to mark a clear distinction between them and the presidential coalition. This did not, according to them, prevent a debate and concessions from the executive on its budgetary program. “We are in a permanent paradox: the Prime Minister praises our exchanges and we should, according to her, co-construct but ultimately the government does not allow us to express ourselves,” said the deputy Les Républicains (LR) of the Orne, Véronique Louwagie, who castigates “a renunciation of the executive to control of public spending”.
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