To choose socially responsible investment media (ISR), the simplest is to turn to free management account units. But some contracts also offer management controls ISR.
by Aurélie burden
The level remains stable year after year. According to the September 26 survey carried out by Ifop for the responsible investment forum (FIR), 60 % of French people give an important place to environmental and social impacts in their investment decisions. However, in fact, few savers have socially responsible investment products in their assets (ISR). It is not for lack of offer, because finance has taken the turn of the extrafinarcan and many funds are managed by integrating environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG). But you still have to access it within your life insurance or your retirement savings plan (PER).
To identify these funds, the simplest is to seek account units with a label. It can be the ISR label, the widest, or the Greenfin label, more selective and focused on green funds. But some international management companies favor foreign labels. You can trust the Belgian label, the Sustainability Towards, as well as the Luxembourg label, Luxflag. Another widespread label: Finansol. But, beware, the latter has another vocation: it certifies the solidarity funds, that is to say products which invest up to 10 % of their assets in companies of the social and solidarity economy.
Many perch integrate such funds into their list of account units. You will easily find them in the most garnished per supports, which identify several hundred products. To do this, turn to Internet contracts or those distributed by wealth management advisers. That said, an increasing number of players now display such offers, including major banking networks. Crédit Mutuel-CIC, savings boxes, BNP Paribas, etc., highlight an offer of responsible supports within their PERs. Mutuals are not to be outdone: MAIF, for example, offers a tight range of free management media, but the range is fully labeled. 2>
good surprises possible
Responsible savings proposals in controlled management or mandate management are however less frequent. Some interesting proposals exist on the side of mutuals such as Maif, MIF or Macif. You can have good surprises from online distributors as well. The PER Matla of the Boursorama online bank offers management controlled by Horizon implemented with ETF (listed index funds), all labeled ISR. The Fintech Nalo leaves the choice of an “eco -responsible” profile. On the side of heritage contracts, orient yourself towards Per Generali Patrimoine, which incorporates ESG considerations in its profiles.
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