Management invokes reasons of “security”, after a controversy around the designer accused of defending child pornography.
by Frédéric Potet
There will be no Bastien Vivès exhibition in Angoulême. The management of the International Comic Strip (FIBD) has decided to cancel the carte blanche which should have been devoted to the French comic book author on the occasion of its fiftieth edition, from January 26 to 29. “Security” reasons were put forward by the demonstration on Wednesday, December 14, after several days of controversy on social networks, where serious accusations were made against the designer: Apology of incest, praise of child pornography, rape culture …
“In this very brief period of time, new facts have radically changed the nature of this situation and now impose on the festival the need to cancel this exhibition, explains the FIBD press release. Thus, physical threats have been uttered With regard to Bastien Vivès. It is therefore not possible for the event to consider that his programming can make such risks weigh on an author and, potentially, in a few weeks, on his festival-goers. other precedents demonstrate it to us. “
The runaway for the past few days has clearly changed the FIBD in a logic opposed to that which prevailed until then – a maintenance of the exposure in the name of freedom of expression, this with the tacit support of the ministry of the culture. “We have changed dimension. Obviously, people have left their screen to consider taking action in real life,” said the festival management. Death threats sent to Bastien Vivès’ mobile phone, threatening calls received from his publishing houses (Casterman, Glénat) and intimidation against an employee of the festival led to the deprogramming of the exhibition , three days before a demonstration planned to organize the detractors of the designer, in front of the Ministry of Culture.
“Neither Matzneff nor Ppda”
Before arriving there, the FIBD had considered a “position” in favor of “the cause of childhood and women”. Bastien Vivès, himself, did not exclude going to debate on the spot, during the festival, in order to explain the part of his work which is so debated. It is indeed, indeed, on second -plan albums already published, and not on the exhibition itself (composed of original creations, as the FIBD recalled), that the controversy -is partly led to – In particular Petit Paul (Glénat, 2018), a story for adults featuring a 10 -year -old boy with a disproportionate penis who triggers salacious thoughts among women around him. A petition demanding its withdrawal – which ultimately did the networks of Librairies Cultura and Gibert Joseph – had gathered, at the time, 3,000 signatures. There were more than 100,000 on Wednesday, December 14, on The petition launched by the #Bebravefrance movement, requiring the deletion of the Angoulême exhibition.
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