Aigitors, controllers, drivers of the Atlantic axis … Social fronts and threats of strike are multiplying in the public railway group. Negotiations in progress should however make it possible to avoid strong disturbances during the holidays.
by Sophie Fay
The more the date of the school holidays is approaching, the more the concern of the passengers who acclaimed the SNCF and rushed on the tickets as soon as sales are operating. Should vacationers believe the reassuring remarks of the government? The Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, Clément Beaune, said, Tuesday, December 13, “quite confident that there would be no strong disturbances” on the Ferré network at Christmas. “Quite”, but not totally. He does not exclude difficulties on “certain TGV axes” and specifies “working hard” to “minimize”.
The executive sends signs of appeasement. The return of the presentation of the pension reform to January 11, 2023 is one. Like the 300 million euros grant promised by the State to regions and to Ile-de-France Mobilités: this will allow the organizing authorities here and there to grant a little latitude to public transport companies on wage negotiations . The claims – and the sub -ffectives – nourish strike movements everywhere in France: in Dijon, in Bordeaux, in Toulon, in Le Mans, in Brest or in the Paris region at the RATP, in the rail maintenance workshops .
The management of the SNCF, it is very discreet, begging for time before giving indications on the upcoming traffic of trains. Because it leads in parallel three under tension negotiations. The first discussion concerns the whole company: it is the annual negotiation of wages. Management issued a proposal that union organizations say they find insufficient, but that they do not reject.
The overall envelope would increase by 5.9 % by the play of general and individual measures. The general increase in wages is limited to 2 %, but each employee would be awarded a lasting premium of 600 euros per year. Individual increases in the order of 2 % of the payroll are also planned as well as a revaluation of 4 % of night allowances, Sunday and holidays and 40 % for the residence allowance where rents are high (Ile-de-France, Alpes-Maritimes, Savoie, Haute-Savoie).
“real advances”
There is little chance that this agreement will be validated by a union majority, since the Federal Office of the UNSA, the second organization of the SNCF, decided not to ratify it. It is deemed insufficient in the inflationary context and the UNSA, well represented in executives, would have preferred a greater general increase in wages rather than a flat -rate bonus. The CGT too. However, no union calls for the strike to reject the management’s proposal. The agreement, open to signing until Thursday, December 15, will be applied with or without initials, according to the HRD. It is therefore not he who will lead to the blocking of trains.
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