Cryptograms that change every hour, cards that can be generated virtually with each payment, others that contain a fingerprint reader: bank cards innovate, but these new technologies of course have a cost.
by Agnès Lambert
Faced with online banks competition offering free offers, networks are trying to increase the added value of their cards with innovative options that they can invoice additional. BNP Paribas, some Crédit Mutuel, Le Crédit du Nord, CIC, Société Générale and others thus offer a dynamic cryptogram card for 12 euros per year. The principle: the three figures on the back change every hour.
“In the event of the usurpation of the card number, the fraudster cannot therefore use it since he lacks the cryptogram, in perpetual evolution”, details Jean-Paul Albert, head of the Société Générale, Pioneer on this innovation, launched at the end of 2016.
Always with a view to securing remote payments, the single -use virtual card is notably proposed by Fortuneo, Société Générale or La Banque Postale. When making an online purchase, the customer generates a unique card number and cryptogram, associated with a validity period and a specific amount.
Again, if a fraudster came to recover this information, they would be of no use to him once the operation was carried out. “Our customers use the virtual card to pay online and, in addition, they deactivate the possibility of making purchases on the Internet with their usual card, which cannot therefore be hacked,” explains Grégory Guermonprez, Director of Fortuneo, who does not invoice not this option. It costs around 12 euros per year elsewhere. 2>