If the far-right party appears more moderate, especially with right-wing sympathizers, Marine Le Pen remains mainly perceived as a danger for democracy, according to a Kantar-Epoka study for “MO12345lemonde” and Franceinfo.
by Clément Guillou
France was made at the idea of a national rally (RN) at the gates of power, but its strong ideas remain very minority. After a presidential campaign during which Eric Zemmour imposed identity themes while Marine Le Pen tried to appear as protector of the French, the RN and its president appear to be refocused and close to the republican right. Not enough, however, make a party ready to govern in the minds of the French, who do not want his most radical measures either.
These are the paradoxical lessons of the annual Kantar-Epoka annual barometer for MO12345lemonde and Franceinfo, a face-to-face survey, from November 29 to December 6, on a representative sample of 1,014 people selected according to the method of quotas. The strength of this survey lies in its duration, since the same questions have been asked each year, for some for almost forty years.
“We see an addiction to the presence of the RN in the political landscape; its contact is no longer disqualifying or infamous. However, he did not conquer the spirits in a spectacular manner”, summarizes Emmanuel Rivière, director of the Kantar studies. For Marine Le Pen, this investigation also conceals subjects of concern: “His credibility to govern is not completely restored and, on the merits, his strong ideas do not progress, even regressing in public opinion.”
- An increased desire, Decreased identity tensions
More power to the police, defend the traditional values of France, restore military service: if these ideas remain in the majority in opinion and slightly increase since January, testifying to a need for order, they remain Far from the levels reached after the 2015 attacks. The investigation also reveals a decree vis-à-vis foreigners and Islam, despite the echo given to the ideas of Eric Zemmour.
A minority of respondents advocates the ban on the wearing of the Islamic veil in public space (45 %, – 6 points compared to May 2021) and the idea that “we grant too many rights to Islam And to Muslims in France “has never been so little shared since the question has been asked in 2010 (41 %).
Less than a third of respondents wish to suppression of state medical aid (AME) or that of soil law, two flagship proposals of Marine Le Pen. The themes of the RN, such as the threat to the identity of France carried by European construction, the need for assimilation of people of foreign origin or the idea that “we no longer really feel at home in France” , are also a minority in all voters, apart from his own. Hence, no doubt, the party’s will to be identified on more social themes.
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