How I argued: “I take side of my sister, and my mother disinherit us”

“I am the eldest of three girls. Corinne has two years younger than me, and Florence twelve years younger. She is the youngest and, in my opinion, the favorite. She did everything well, there Where my sister and I did not manage to satisfy our parents. My father had led a scientific career, and wanted us to follow his way. He wanted me to become an engineer. Little, I was rather interested in books and drawings. He was tearing them away to push me to math. Without success: I ended up making a literary job, after a tormented and stormy adolescence. Corinne, it’s even worse. She was bad at school. My parents, I Often heard them say that they had “done everything that [they] could” for her. She has a good job, she works in care. But that’s not what they were waiting for.

Florence was the model little girl. An almost without waves, a business school, a senior executive job: it completed the narcissistic contract with our parents. Corinne and I were the drafts.

The death of our father, in 2008, we all relayed ourselves to support mom in her widowhood. At Christmas, the following year, I was at home, in her house by the sea when she received a phone call from Corinne. I hear my sister shouting on the phone. “I’m in the car, I just received a message from Florence, I have to see you right away. It’s not going at all.”

Five minutes later, she landed. We are sitting in the living room, Corinne arrives screaming. She wants to listen to the message to mom. In essence, Florence asks her to break with the man she loves on the pretext that she had promised mom to take care of her until the end of her days, on the death of dad. Corinne belch, asks for explanations from mom, who says nothing and stings a little of the nose. In his beard, I hear our mother whispering: “I may be there for something.” Corinne does not hear it, and she goes away, very angry.

“My daughter, does not fall in love”

I find myself alone with my mother. I understand that it was she who spoke in Florence, she complained about the unavailability of Corinne. I tell her that she has to make things clear, to speak to my sisters. I also tell her that she cannot make such a daughter such a request. Whether Corinne will not abandon him, whatever happens – whether or not she has a companion does not change anything. Behind this request which may seem strange hidden another part of our family history. Corinne recently, Corinne was in love. Now my mother was afraid of passions. She always said to us: “A game of legs in the air, it never hurt anyone. But does not fall in love.” My sister and I are quite passionate. We have desires, entries, and I have always had the feeling that it bothers our mother. Corinne Amoureuse, my mother was afraid that she will no longer fulfill her role as a caregiver with her – role to whom she was assigned, because of her job.

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/Media reports cited above.