Each of the parliamentarians is called upon to mediate the fate of the death sentence that he sponsor.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
They are “from all political edges” and have volunteered. One hundred French deputies, senators and deputies have decided to each sponsor a demonstrator sentenced to death in Iran following protests that have been shaking the country for several weeks, French collectives for human rights in Iran announced on Tuesday 20 December.
With these sponsorships, these parliamentarians want to “visilize the macabre fate” of the Iranians condemned to death “for having demonstrated, sung, or posted against the regime”, underlined in a statement the collectives, recalling that the condemned “are likely to see their sentence executed at any time “.
Amnesty International said on Friday that at least twenty-six people risked execution in connection with the demonstrations in Iran launched by the assassination, on September 16, of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd His arrest by the Police of the mores who reproached him for having violated the dress code imposing on women the wearing of the veil in public.
mediatize the fate of the convicts
The objective of these sponsorships is to make “maximum noise to put diplomatic pressure” and hope “a stay of these executions”, told the France-Presse the lawyer Chirinne Ardakani, member of Collective Iran Justice.
A hundred parliamentarians have already responded to this transpartisan initiative launched two days ago. “Very quickly many deputies came forward,” notes the socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj. Concretely, each of the parliamentarians is called upon to publicize the fate of the death sentence that he spares “by undertaking an active and constant plea work with any useful authorities,” said the press release.
“I chose to tweet in French and Persian so that it is readable by the greatest number,” explained the deputy of Iranian origin Hadrian Ghomi, of the presidential majority, Renaissance. “It is an essentially symbolic support”, recognizes the deputy of the radical left Lfi Arnaud Le Gall.
These types of sponsorship have also been set up with German, Norwegian and Canadian parliamentarians.