Available package manager GNU GUIX 1.4 and distribution based on it

took place the release of the package manager gnu guix 1.4 and built on its basis gnu/linux. To download formed images for installation on USB Flash (814 MB) and use in virtualization systems (1.1 GB). Work on the architectures of I686, X86_64, Power9, ARMV7 and AARCH64.

Distributing allows the installation as separate OS in virtualization systems, in containers and on ordinary equipment, and Launch in the already installed distributions of GNU/Linux, acting as a platform for deploying applications. The user is provided to the user functions such as adding dependencies, repeated assemblies, work without Root, rollback to past versions in case of problems, configuration management, cloning of the environment (creating an exact copy of the software environment on other computers), etc.

The main innovations :

  • Improved management of software environment. The team is being replaced
    “Guix Environment” has come a new team “ guix shell “, which allows not only To form assembly environment for developers, but also to use environment to familiarize yourself with programs without reflection in the profile and without execution of “GUIX Install”. For example, to download and start the Supertuxkart game, you can perform the Guix Shell Supertuxkart – Supertuxkart. After loading, the package will be saved in the cache and the next launch will not require its re -extraction.

    to simplify the formations of the environment for developers at the Guix Shell, support for the GUIX.SCM and Manifest.SCM files with the description of the encirclement (files can be used to generate files Option “–Export-manifest”). To create containers in which the classic hierarchy of system catalogs is emulated, the “GUIX Shell” Options ”–container –emulate-FHS.

  • Added the command “ guix home ” to manage the home environment. Guix allows you to determine all the components of the home environment, including packages, services and files starting from point. Using the GUIX Home command, copies of the described home environment can be recreated in the $ home catalog or in a container, for example, to transfer your environment to a new computer.
  • The “Guix Pack” command is added an option -f Deb “to create separate Deb packets that can be installed in Debian.
  • To create various types of systemic images (RAW, QCOW2, ISO8660 CD/DVD, Docker and WSL2), the universal command “Guix System Image” is proposed, which allows you to determine the type of storage, sections and the operating system for the created image.

/Media reports cited above.