Assault of Capitol: parliamentary committee recommends criminal proceedings against Donald Trump

This unprecedented recommendation with regard to a former president, is symbolic, because its members cannot instill the businessman. The decision will return to the Ministry of Justice.


The parliamentary commission of inquiry on the Capitol assault on January 6, 2021 recommended unanimously criminal proceedings on Monday against former President Donald Trump, including one for the insurgency. The commission of inquiry also recommended that the former president be prosecuted to obstruct an official procedure (certification of the results of a presidential election), conspiracy against the US State and false declarations .

These three charges can lead to prison terms and the ban on assuming any public service, while the former president announced that he was reviving in the White House race for 2024.

Donald Trump has repeatedly denounced the political motivations behind the investigations targeting him. He believes that the special commission on January 6, 2021, the majority of which are elected democrats, has a biased opinion.

On January 6, 2021, supporters of former president Trump, saying – wrongly – like him that the 2020 presidential election had been “stolen” by Joe Biden, had violently attacked the siege of the Congress in Washington to stop The certification of the results, shaking American democracy.

“Putting a bulletin in the U.S. US urn is an act of faith and hope,” the Democrat Bennie Thompson, head of the commission, said on Monday. “This faith in our system is the foundation of American democracy. If confidence is broken, our democracy is too. Donald Trump broke this confidence. He lost the 2020 election and knew it, but he chose to try to stay in power, “he added.

Number two of the Commission, Republican Liz Cheney, Donald Trump’s bane, judged that his actions had shown that he was “unfit” to occupy new public functions. “Anyone who behaves like this at that time can never take up a power function in this country again,” she said.

/Media reports cited above.