2022 World Cup: French Deschamps team, best attack and worst defense in forty years

We have to go back to the 1982 edition, in Spain, to see the French score and collect as many goals in the same final phase of the World Cup.

by William Audureau

Like this lost final (3-3, 2-4 on penalties against Argentina), the French team’s journey in Qatar will remain in the annals: it has equaled the record Goals scored by an eleven tricolor in a modern World Cup, with 2.29 goals per game, but, among the seven editions where she reached the last square, also conceded the greatest number of goals since the legendary epic of 1982, who had already resulted in a loss to penalties after a 3-3 draw, then against Germany.

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French offensive performances were predictable and expected, despite the Package of the Ballon d’Or, Karim Benzema. Worn by an effective olive giroud (5 goals, against zero in 2018) and especially a stratospheric kylian mbappé (8 goals, top scorer in the tournament), the French team sent the ball 16 times to the bottom of the world . It is once again than in 1998, three more than in 2018 and as much as in 1982.

/Media reports cited above.