According to a study, the age of the average user has gone from 25.1 years to 32.8 years between 1992 and 2021. If consumption stabilizes in France, with 10.6 % of the population concerned in The year, among those under 25, indicators are down. And regional disparities are noted.
by Thomas Saintourens
It is a robot portrait of the consumer of cannabis all in contrasts, sometimes in reverse of received ideas, revealed by the latest “trends” study of the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Trends (OFDT) on consumption consumption As an adult population, published Monday, December 19.
The data of this survey, conducted with 23,661 adults aged 18 to 64, in partnership with the Public Health France agency, first confirm the stabilization of major consumption indicators, with 10.6 % Population having consumed cannabis in the year, and 47.3 % (almost eighteen million French people) having already experienced it during their lifetime. They also underline the tendency to aging the average user of cannabis, whose age has gone from 25.1 years to 32.8 years between 1992 and 2021.
In those under 25, all indicators have been downward since 2017, that this concerns experimentation – down 5.5 points compared to the 2017 study, going from 53.5 % to 48 % – or regular use – decrease of 2.1 points between 2017 and 2021, from 8.4 % to 6.3 %. On the contrary, more and more users declare consumption beyond 35 years, even more after 45 years: 3.4 % of 45-54 year olds consumed cannabis at least once a month in 2021 against 2.9 % in 2017; and 2.5 % of 55-64 year olds consumed it in the year in 2021 against 1.6 % according to the 2017 study.
“These elements question on an initial somewhat naive vision of the use of cannabis in the population, underlines Stanislas Spilka, responsible for the Data scientific unit of the OFDT and co -author of the study. At the end of the 1990s, it was believed that beyond 25 years, with an active life, as a couple, the use would drop. However, we note that part of these young users of the time continued – or resumed – their Use as aging. “
These data also question the uses a priori more distant from the so -called “festive” context traditionally observed in the youngest populations. “This image is probably not the same at 40, observe the authors. It is advisable to initiate a reflection on these uses of the” evening joint “or at dinner for example.” An analysis of the context and motivations Of these older smokers will be the subject of a qualitative study expected next year.
“Change of behavior”
This photograph at an instant t also freezes the significant differences in consumption between women and men: 54.9 % of men against 39.9 % of women have already experienced the substance. Figures far removed from those of other illegal drugs, varying between 1 % and 3 %. As for the use of cannabis in the year, it is twice as high in men as in women: 14.2 % against 7.2 %.
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