While macronists had promised to do everything to achieve compromise with the opposition in order to overcome their relative majority, the examination of budgetary texts finally took place in a context of confrontation between the majority and the oppositions , against the backdrop of accusations of passing in force and parliamentary obstruction.
by Jeremiah Lamothe and Mariama Darame
“Anyone would give you a clear, clear and precise explanation of the situation takes their desires for reality. No one knows where it’s going.” From his office, rue de Vaugirard, Claude Malhuret, President of the Independents Group, Republic And territories in the Senate, does not hide its perplexity when evoking the months that have just passed to Parliament. What can be said about what is playing out at the Palais-Bourbon today? From shock to euphoria, to tensions more and more exacerbated in the hemicycle, linked to legislative elections which made one vacillate all the certainties, here came the time of the first disillusions in this national assembly in relative majority.
Saturday, December 17, a final motion of censorship of the new ecological and social popular union must be examined before the suspension, for three weeks, of parliamentary work. This is the eleventh attempt from the left to overthrow the government since the start of the legislature. Although it has no chance of succeeding, it is, for its signatories, to retaliate at each appeal of article 49, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, whose tenth use was made, Thursday, By the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, to have State 2023 budget adopted without vote.
These seventy days devoted to the examination of the budgetary texts gave rise to a large gap of the executive: of the concertation symbolized by the “Dialogues de Bercy”, in September, to the “force” denounced “denounced by oppositions, deprived of debates in the hemicycle. The fault of a 49.3 whose Constitution authorizes unlimited use on the bills of finance and financing of the “security”. “We went from the dialogues of Bercy to the monologue of Matignon”, quipped the “rebellious” president of the finance committee, Eric Coquerel. “The budget is a parenthesis”, likes to repeat the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, faced with the frustrations expressed by the deputies of all stripes.
of deserted benches
The presidential camp strategy finds its legitimacy by refusing the opposition to vote the budget, a traditional sign of a majority belonging. However, two amending budgets – one this summer, the other in the fall – were adopted with the support or abstention of oppositions. “We know how to do when the oppositions tell us that they will vote our texts. But if we are told a priori” we will not vote “, then we do not know how to do it”, launches the general rapporteur of the budget in the assembly, Jean Jean -René Cazeneuve (Renaissance, Gers). In reverse of an extraordinary session which will have seen, during the summer, ideological debates in an often crowded hemicycle, this stack of 49.3 and its share of censorship motions gradually anesthetized discussions, pushing the deputies of each camp to desert the benches.
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