Kurds killed in Paris: Ankara summons French diplomat for “anti-turkey propaganda”

Train driver retired from French nationality, William M. was indicted and placed in pre -trial detention for assassination and attempted assassination due to race, ethnic group, nation or religion.

mo12345lemonde with AFP

William M., suspected of having murdered three Kurds on Friday in Paris, was indicted on Monday, December 26, for “assassination and attempted assassination because of the race, the ethnic group, the nation or the nation or the nation Religion “as well as for” unauthorized acquisition and detention of weapons “, according to information communicated by a judicial source at the France-Presse Agency (AFP). Retired from the SNCF, aged 69 and of French nationality, he was placed in pre -trial detention.

The racist mobile of the facts had confirmed during his police custody: William M. had told investigators feeling a “hatred of foreigners who became completely pathological” since the burglary of his home in 2016, reported the Paris prosecutor , Laure Beccuau. He described himself as “depressed” and “suicidal” and, according to M me Beccuau, added: “But before suicide myself, I always wanted to assassinate migrants, foreigners “since this burglary.

Friday in the early morning, he went armed in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) “to commit murders on foreign people,” continued the prosecutor. But, for lack of people in particular, he gave up his project. After going back to the Parisian home of his parents, where he lived, he went on foot on rue d’Enghien (10 e

é> arrondissement) to the Kurdish cultural center Ahmet-Kaya, whose he knew the Location.

“All migrants” targeted

The sixty -something man then opened fire with a handgun, killing two men, Mir Perwer, a Kurdish singer political refugee, and Abdurrahman Kizil, as well as the head of the Kurdish Women Movement in France, Emine Kara. Three other men were injured. Five of the six victims are of Turkish nationality, the last of French nationality.

Monday, the case also took a diplomatic turning point. The French ambassador to Turkey was summoned by the Turkish government. Ankara protests against what she perceives as an “anti-Turkish propaganda” in France, according to a Turkish diplomatic source. “We have expressed our dissatisfaction with the propaganda launched by the circles of the PKK [Kurdistan workers’ party] against our country, the French government and certain politicians being used as propaganda instruments,” criticized this source with the AFP.

Since the death of the three Kurds near the Kurdish Cultural Center Ahmet-Kaya, seat of the Kurdish Democratic Center in France (CDKF), considered to be an emanation of the PKK in Paris, Turkey and its secret services are directly accused by the community Kurdish in France for having fomented the attack.

white march in Paris

Earlier in the day, several hundred people gathered again at midday rue d’Enghien for a march in tribute to the three victims. Small altars have been erected on the sidewalk where they were slaughtered, accompanied by photographs, candles and bouquets of flowers.

The procession started towards rue Lafayette, in the same arrondissement of the capital, where three activists from the Kurdistan workers (PKK) had been killed on January 9, 2013 in Paris. The alleged assassin of the three PKK activists, Omer Güney, died of a brain tumor in 2016, a few weeks before his trial, and before the French investigation could shed light on his relations with the Turkish intelligence services , known under the acronym of MIT. The civil parties obtained in 2019 the revival of the investigation to examine their possible involvement. In Paris, Monday, the demonstrators chanted in Kurdish “our martyrs do not die” and in French “women, life, freedom”, and claimed “[the] truth and [the] justice”.

/Media reports cited above.