China: Xi Jinping is delayed in face of acceleration of COVVI-19

The country must have abandoned its zero covid policy in the face of unprecedented demonstrations across the country and an economy strongly affected by three years of health restrictions.

mo12345lemonde with AFP

While China faces a surge in contaminations after the abandonment of its zero covid policy, its president, Xi Jinping, ordered Monday to “build a rampart” against the virus to “protect” lives in China .

Since the start of the pandemic, in 2020, China required strict measures that saved people most at risk and those who are not vaccinated. Power ended this policy and most restrictions on December 7, which caused the growing exasperation of the population and had considerably affected the country’s economy. Since then, the virus diffuses at high speed and the number of cases explodes, raising fears of a strong mortality in the oldest, particularly vulnerable.

Many crematoriums interviewed by AFP have reported in recent days an unusual influx of bodies to incinerate. This situation has largely passed over in silence by the Chinese media. Hospitals are also overwhelmed, and antigrippal drugs more difficult to find in pharmacies.

/Media reports cited above.