If the use of “stalkerware” on telephones rightly arouses concern, assistance associations for victims of domestic domestic also denounce the misappropriation for the surveillance of digital tools much easier to access .
by Gabriel Thierry
Nothing could be easier than sharing the position of your iPhone phone or your iPad tablet with your loved ones: on its site , the manufacturer Apple details how, in a few clicks, set up this location sharing. A feature that had not escaped this man of Fourmies (North), sentenced in October by the judicial court of Avesnes-sur-Helpe for domestic violence. The magistrates have, in fact, discovered that this violent forty -year -old could thus geolocate his partner in real time (and vice versa). Digital surveillance of which “the prosecution took into account during its requisitions”, specifies to the world Laurent Dumaine, the prosecutor of Avesnes-sur-Helpe, because it was characteristic of a “situation of pathological grip”.