The Japanese police managed to decipher corporate data encrypted by LockBit, Mr. program Already 3 companies have restored data without paying attackers.
Japan’s police totals about 2400 IB specialists. Moreover, the police shared their methods and instruments with the investigating organs of other countries.
The International Working Group, which includes the United States and Japan, led by Australia, will begin its work in January and under the auspices of a larger initiative to combat robber programs ( Counter Ransomware Initiative ) Come
Allies will be very interested in the Japanese sharing their experience. A number of countries have already tried to restore the affected systems, but without much success.
The Lockbit group organized in 2019 was included in the list of the most dangerous groups of 2022. The extortion on Lockbit 3.0 was released in June and has already spread to 41 countries. The main goals are professional services, consulting and production, consumer and industrial goods, as well as real estate.