Taiwanese TSMC will begin to produce 3-nm chips this week

Thavan TSMC announced the planned ceremony on Saturday. It will be held on December 29 in the territory of the Southern Scientific Park in the Secret. There, representatives of the company will talk about their plans to expand the production of chips using a 3-nm process at the FAB 18 factory.

Analysts noted an unusual decision of the company that had not previously held such events. In their opinion, the ceremony should help reassure a society that is worried due to the fact that Taiwan may lose leadership in the field of semiconductors because of his investments in factories abroad.

It is worth noting that the excitement is not groundless – TSMC began the construction of factories with advanced processes in Arizona. It is planned to produce 4-nm and even 3-nm chips for Apple, which will then go to new Mac models. However, all the latest technologies and achievements will be used only in Taiwan. One of these developments will be a 2-nm process of process, which will be used only in Taiwanese factories since 2025.

/Media reports cited above.