This platform will request aid of 50, 100 or 200 euros. Almost 70 % of households heating mainly with pellets or logs are concerned.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
Initially expected last week, the Wood Energy check window opens Tuesday, December 27. The French who heat in the wood can now file aid requests of 50, 100 or 200 euros on the platform exceptional energy checks. This device had been promised in the fall by the government in the context of the outbreak of energy prices.
The check “will concern 70 % of households heating mainly in wood”, or “2.6 million households, for a total budget of 230 million euros”, detailed the Ministry of the Economy. The households concerned will be able to request this aid until April 30, 2023. The sending of the checks planned from “mid-February 2023”. Its value will depend on the income and the family situation of the applicants.
combined with the energy check
According to the decree published on December 23 in the Official Journal, the payment will reach 100 or 200 euros for French people whose reference tax income is less than 14,400 euros and 50 or 100 euros for those whose tax income is between 14,400 and 27,500 euros.
A nominative invoice proving a wood purchase of a minimum amount of 50 euros will be claimed on the platform, or a certificate for households in collective heating. The amount of the check depends on the fuel used: households that heat with wood pellets are thus entitled to double the amount provided for those who use logs, logs or platelets.
Like the help promised to the French heating up with a fuel oil, this aid is complementary to the energy check of 100 to 200 euros launched for 12 million households and the annual energy check enjoyed 20 % of French people. Once received, the wooden check can be used with a wooden seller or other supplier for any energy bill (electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, etc.).