Three researchers from the Korean advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), together with a scientist from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Shampein designed and built a four -legged Marvel robot with magnetized legs, which can climb on the walls and ceilings of metal buildings.
In their work, researchers planned to create a robot that could help in the repair and construction works of large metal structures – bridges, tanks and some buildings.
The robot uses magnetic elastomers and electromagnets. Together, they allow the legs of the robot to magnetize and demagnetize on demand. Including and turning off magnetism, the robot can cling to the vertical point on the wall with one foot and hold on while other legs stick.
Researchers also programmed the behavior of the robot in the same way that the cat studies the surface with the front paws before stepping its hind legs.
It was also found that Marvel is able to carry a load of up to 3 kg. It moves at a variable speed depending on the area, at a maximum speed of 0.7 m/s.