The Taliban have prohibited Afghanes from working for non -governmental organizations operating in the country, while 28 million inhabitants out of 39 million need humanitarian aid. In return, three international structures have announced to interrupt their interventions.
by ghazal golshiri
The Taliban never stop restricting the rights of Afghan women. Saturday, December 24, they prohibited them from working for international and local non -governmental organizations (NGOs). In response, three NGOs announced the interruption of their operations in Afghanistan while waiting for the announcement by the country’s leaders to be “clarified”.
Sunday December 25, in a joint statement, Care International, the Norwegian Council for Refugees (NRC) and Save the Children explained that, without their female staff, they could not help “children, women and women effectively men “.
According to its secretary general, Jan Egeland, the NRC is unable to operate without “our 470 Afghan colleagues”, out of a total of 1,400 employees. “Millions of people will suffer because of the Taliban decree,” he was indignant on Twitter. No one should work only with male staff. It would be a horrible previous one. “
The Taliban threatened to cancel the license of any organization which would not comply quickly with the ban. The spokesman for the Ministry of the Economy -at the origin of the Decree concerning NGOs -Abdel Rahman Habib, justified this new decision by the fact that workers of foreign aid groups would have broken the dress codes and that The ministry has already received “serious complaints” on this subject. In Afghanistan, since May, women have been held to cover their body and face entirely. “We have already had visits to the Taliban on our premises, explains an employee of an international NGO, active in Afghanistan. They came, discussed and left. But there was never any problem or complaint.”
Ultrarigorist vision of Islam
Since coming to power, August 15, 2021 following the departure of the Americans and other foreign forces, the Taliban continues to announce liberticide laws with regard to women. The NGO decree comes only four days after the country’s de facto authorities closed universities to women.
Now, Afghanes only have access to primary school, at the moment closed due to the winter holidays. Colleges and high schools were prohibited from Afghan girls in September 2021. The ultra-regigrist vision of the Taliban Islam made to the Afghans that the Islamists have hardly changed since their first reign (1996-2001).
Afghanistan depends greatly on aid provided by foreign NGOs (distribution of food and medical aid, among others), in particular because of international sanctions against the Taliban and the freezing of the billions of dollars of the active Bank Afghan In Occident. According to the European Commission, in 2023, twenty-eight million Afghans (out of a population of thirty-nine million inhabitants) would need humanitarian aid, including thirteen million children. Nearly twenty million people suffer from hunger and nearly six million survive with less than one meal a day.
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