The National Games Authority had anticipated at least 530 million euros in internet bets.
mo12345lemonde with AFP
The figures are higher than expected. Some 615 million euros were bet online during the 2022 Football World Cup said on Saturday December 24 at the agency France-Presse (AFP) the national authority of games (anj) .
The competition final, opposing France to Argentina, alone generated 55 million bets, against 37.5 million for France-Croatia in 2018, said the ANJ, confirming figures published in The newspaper Les Echos, which adds that 30 million were betted during the France-Maroc semi-final. For comparison, 366 million had been bet in total for the competition in 2018 and 420 million for the euro in 2021, according to the sector gendarme, which will publish in January 2023 a more complete assessment of the figures and behaviors of the bettors.
The ANJ had initially anticipated at least 530 million euros in Internet in France during the World Cup, an increase of 70 % compared to the 2018 World Cup. But the amount was likely to vary Depending on the advance of the French team in the competition. The assessment will also include a component on the advertising campaigns of operators (content, volume and levers used).
Monday, the Association Addictions France had denounced the “questionable marketing techniques” of sports and alcohol betting companies, “the other winners” of the 2022 World Cup according to her. “Omnipresent in public and on the Internet”, online Paris sites operators and alcohol “encourage bad health practices while clearly associating football with alcohol consumption and gambling”, wrote the association In a press release .
Before the World Cup, companies in the games of gaming and media were committed for a more “responsible” advertisement, in particular by limiting the advertising pressure on minors.