In a recently published study, researchers Vincent Iehlé and Julien Jacqmin analyze the functioning of the procedure allowing access to the great business schools.
by Séverin Gravelleau
If the Integration System into the Grandes Management Schools (SIGEM), which intervenes after the students have passed the competitions of the Common Bank of Tests (ECB) or Ecricome, does not arouse such lively debates That Parcoursup or Affelnet, it was so far relatively opaque. In the article “SIGEM: Analysis of the assignment procedure in major management schools”, to appear in the economic journal, and already Accessible On the HAL-SHS platform, researchers Vincent Iehlé (University of Rouen Normandie) and Julien Jacqmin (Neoma BS) Peel the functioning of the algorithm used.
Why did you go into this study of Sigem algorithm?
Vincent Iehlé: Centralized assignment procedures are very present in France at all levels of schooling: Affelnet, Parcoursup, entry into management or engineers, etc. However, these procedures have long been unknown to users, with a relative opacity on the operation of the algorithms used, especially SIGEM. It was not necessarily voluntary on the part of the managers of these platforms, but it participated, for example, in the tensions around the old Post Bac admission platform (APB). The trend being today to make the algorithms used and therefore the political choices that underlie them, especially for Parcoursup, are more transparent, we participate with this publication. And she confirms that the assignment algorithm in management schools has nothing to hide.
How would you define this algorithm?
Julien Jacqmin: The Gale-Shaley algorithm, used in the procedure, is very well known: developed in the 1960s, it earned the Nobel Prize in economics to its inventor and was largely adopted internationally as In France in the centralized assignment procedures of students (such as Affelnet to enter high school). In the Sigem, this algorithm is used to adequate the preferences of students received in the competitions of major management schools with the rankings made by the latter. This is done in a simple way – the schools classify the students according to their notes, and the latter prioritize their preferences among the schools where they are accepted -, fast – unlike Parcoursup, for example -, and just. In other words, the use of this algorithm makes it possible to ensure the student if he was not taken in a school that he was aimed at priority it is because all the accepted candidates had a better note than him.
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