Under pressure from the government, the management of the SNCF made new proposals on union organizations on Thursday in the hope of saving the New Year’s weekend. But the movement, carried by an independent collective, greatly escapes them .
by Sophie Fay
It is the strike that does not pass, unpopular in opinion, expensive for the SNCF, unbearable for the government whose Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, had declared in mid-December that there would be ” Trains and planes at Christmas “.
All members of the government therefore took turns to put pressure on the CEO of the railway company, Jean-Pierre Farandou. The latter received union organizations, Thursday, December 22 from 6 p.m., to seek a way out of this movement followed by one in two controller. If it is too late to circulate more trains during the Christmas weekend, SNCF leaders, unions and controllers have until Wednesday December 28 to avoid new cancellations from December 30 to January 2 8 hours.
While Emmanuel Macron threatens to review the strike notice rules, the tense meeting began with a South-Rail development. For this union, we must not be surprised by the appearance of “collectives” like that constituted by the controllers on the initiative of this strike movement, when we suppressed “70 % of the union enrollment” by merging the old works councils and hygiene, safety and working conditions (CHSCT) in a single social and economic committee (CSE).
The management has put new proposals on the table: the creation of a “coordinator of the profession” of controller “to treat subjects and” irritants “and recognize the specificities of this profession, commitments Reinforced on employment – with 160 additional positions created in 2023 and 40 for sensitive trains – and on the career of careers. Finally, the specific compensation for controllers would drop from 600 to 720 euros gross annual.
Union organizations have until Friday noon to accept the agreement and withdraw their notice. The UNSA-Ferrovia has already done so, the CGT seemed ready there but tried to convince Sud-Rail and the CFDT, still undecided.
a malaise encysted since 2006
Will that be enough to put an end to the close to the controllers? For many, their attitude is difficult to understand, including the SNCF, because the heads of the on -board are far from the least well remunerated. But it follows from an encysted discomfort since 2006, the year of the “petitioner strike”, which remained in the annals of the company for the bitterness it created.
Following the rape of a controller, in 2005, her colleagues had disengaged before launching a petition, excluding unions, to claim an improvement in their status. It had been signed by two -thirds of the chiefs’ commands or, as they are called in SNCF jargon, the “ASCT” (Training Service Agent).
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