The executive wants to pass the waiting time to get his papers to fifty days. 500 Additional mobile “Buildings” of requests will be deployed in town halls.
by Benoît Floc’h
The government puts a new collar to try to bring back the issuance of passports and identity cards within reasonable deadlines. Friday, January 13, visiting the City Hall of Créteil, the Minister Delegate in charge of local authorities, Dominique Faure, defended the determination of the executive to have a long time spend the waiting time to obtain his papers from “110 , 120 days ” – The peak reached in May 2022 – at 50 days, almost the average five years ago.
After the 14 million euros unlocked last year, 20 million euros will be devoted in 2023 to this sensitive issue of the daily life of the French. Similarly, 500 mobile “ticket offices” for collecting requests will be added to those existing. In 2022, 620 of these registration machines which allow the procedure to be launched, including taking fingerprints, had already been purchased by the government to complete the 4,000 already installed in some 2,500 town halls.
The government is experiencing the tensions that this causes on the ground when, from the spring, the prospect of summer holidays pushes many French people to worry about the renewal of their passport or their identity card. Responsible for the service who receives citizens at the town hall of Créteil, Stéphanie Sutera recognizes that there was “aggressiveness, especially in the spring of 2022”. But “it appeared in August,” she continues; People had gone on vacation…
Deletion of counters
While town halls and prefectures had to deal with 9 million in 2019, 12 million were deposited in 2022, and the government awaits 13 million to 14 million this year. According to the executive, this is explained by the delay taken at the time of the health crisis, from 2020. Confines and restrictive measures paralyzed this type of administrative procedures all the less useful as people no longer traveled. The attraction for new national identity cards would also have pushed requests up, according to the Minister’s entourage.
This is not the opinion of the first public service union. COSECRETAIRE General of the CGT Federation covering the State Public Service, Céline Verzeletti recalls that the transition to the secure identity card, a few years ago, was “supposedly” to simplify the daily approaches of citizens. But, ensures the union manager, this posed the municipalities equipped with registration machines “a great difficulty for, on the one hand, to process the requests for their own citizens and, on the other hand, absorb the influx of the requests of people residing in other municipalities “not endowed with these tools. “If we had not deleted the counters in 2017, estimates M me Verzeletti, there would not have been these recurring deadlines.”
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