A call for mobilization was launched for Saturday, the first weekend of winter sales. The company’s CFDT requests that the increase in the minimum wage of January 1 be passed on to all wages.
by Aline Leclerc
The same reason had pushed employees of the famous mass distribution of sport and leisure articles to observe the first two days of strike in their history, in the fall of 2021: asking that the increase in the minimum wage 1
The minimum wage, which is indexed to inflation, has just automatically increased by 1.8 % (24 euros monthly net). During the compulsory annual negotiations (NAO), which held in December 2022, the management of the company proposed an increase of 24 euros net, but only for wages below 2,700 euros gross. This mechanically leads to an effect of downgrading for those who are just above this threshold: they are caught up by the lowest wages. The Nao therefore ended on an observation of disagreement.
At the same time, in an internal document of which Mo12345lemonde was aware, the deputy director general of Decathlon, Jean-Marc Lemière, indicated that in view of “economic performance and the stability of his financial situation”, he had been decided in June to distribute 453 million euros in dividends to shareholders, which testified “the good economic health” of the company.
“Rebalance the balance”
An unacceptable treatment difference for the CFDT, calling in a leaflet to “rebalance the balance”. “We were asked for a considerable effort in 2020 and in 2021 to cope with the COVVI-19, in a context of a sharp drop in staff. We have experienced record results, and this continued in 2022. We did the job, To the point of going beyond the objectives. And for that, we do not even have the repercussions of the increase in the minimum wage for everyone and no review clause in 2023 !, Land on Sébastien Chauvin, CFDT central delegate at Decathlon. The employees lose therefore purchasing power. “
The calculation is different for the management of Decathlon, which considers that in accumulated, by successive increases, wages have increased “significantly” over one year, with 9 % to 9.8 % for employees and control agents, and up to 7.4 % for executives. “But 75 % of the workforce is between the minimum wage and 100 euros above, therefore, when the minimum wage increases, this enhances these wages. We just maintained the existing level,” replied Sébastien Chauvin. The minimum wage increased by 7.36 % over a year.
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