presented Significant release of the platform discourse 3 , designed to conduct linear discussions that are used by many open projects instead of mailing lists, Web forums and chats. The separation of topics on the basis of tags, sending notifications about the appearance of answers to messages, updating the list of messages in the topics in real time, dynamic loading of the contents as it reads, the possibility of subscribing to the partitions and sending answers by email is supported. The system is written in Ruby using the Ruby On Rails framework and Ember.js libraries (data are stored in the PostgreSQL DBMS, fast cache is stored in Redis). Code spreads under the license gplv2.
Key innovations:
- Added the implementation of a chat that allows participants to communicate in real time.
- A new side panel is proposed, customized by the user.
Participants can add to the category, tags and chats. The panel also has a Community section with the most commonly used links. - Provides the opportunity to put up his status by the user.
The status is set in the form of Emoji or messages that will be shown in binding to the participant in all sections of the platform (for example, next to the avatar in posts, in the chat and profile). - A new interface has been added to display notifications in which it has become easier to share important and secondary notifications. Разные типы уведомлений теперь вынесены в отдельные вкладки, а также предложена общая секция с недавними уведомлениями.
- A new initial setting master has been proposed, which allows you to set the most important parameters of the platform, such as the access model (accessible to everyone or only registered users), the form of registration (for everyone or only by invites), the need to confirm the participants, the presence of a chat and the inclusion of a lateral Panels.
/Media reports cited above.