In total, 71.1 % of French people continued to listen to the radio every day at the end of 2022, but they are less than 40 million to have connected to a station, a drop of 1.5 million in A year.
by Brice Laemle
While the Radio media undergoes a disaffection which is confirmed from year to year, France Inter remains the first radio of France, according to the audience figures revealed, Thursday, January 12, by Médiamétrie. If 71.1 % of French people continued to listen to the radio every day in November and December – as well as on the previous wave -, they are 39.3 million to have plugged into a station, or a decrease of 1.5 million in one year (74.5 % and 40.8 million).
With nearly 6.9 million listeners (6.851 million) and 12.4 % cumulative audience, France Inter is still in the lead. The station accuses a slight decrease of 0.3 points and loses 108,000 people compared to November-December 2021, which had seen it reach a record number of listeners (6.959 million). Adèle Van Reeth, its director, nevertheless boasts “a stability of all indicators in a global context which [the] would rather down” and the 14 % audience share (+ 0.4 point), which takes into account The listening time of the listener and serves as a barometer for advertisers.
Among the other pride in public service, Franceinfo totals 9.2 % cumulative audience (+ 0.7 point in one year) and earns 422,000 listeners. “By being again third radio in France, we can see that the Franceinfo brand has established itself”, judges Jean-Philippe Baille, director of the station, rejoicing of a “powerful” morning which convinces 184,000 more people over a year. France Culture maintains its cumulative audience at 3.1 %, welcomes its director, Sandrine Treiner, with 1.737 million listeners each day (i.e. 25,000 additional).
Europe 1 no longer ends Darling
Large concern for the public radio group, France Bleu is first under the symbolic bar of 5 % in cumulative audience (4.9 %). “We will need an editorial renewal, a modernization of the brand and work on distribution. This is a project that matters a lot to us,” says Laurence Bloch, the director of the antennas and the editorial strategy of Radio France.
With 10.3 % cumulative audience, RTL cedes 0.7 point in one year. Everyone is still looking for what to rejoice, in particular by highlighting the recent complementary study by Mediamétrie “Ear Insights”, in the months of September and October. Ultimately, “18.8 million listeners each month and 13.1 million listeners each week, it is considerable”, rejoices Régis Ravanas, the director general of audio activities of the M6 group (RTL, RTL2, Fun Radio). This automatic measurement uses an Audimeter to measure what is distributed in shops, restaurants or taxis. “It is therefore listening not chosen”, personifies a competitor.
If RMC has slightly won despite the Football World Cup in Qatar – 5.8 % cumulative audience ( – 0.3 point) – Europe 1 never ceases to tumble, with 3.6 % (- 0.6 point). A significant symbol of this fall, France Culture now exceeds Europe 1 in terms of audience share (3 % against 2.9 %).