Several civil parties target this practitioner for “non-denunciation of a crime or an offense” on the sidelines of the procedure targeting a Grenoble orthopedic surgeon, prosecuted since 2020 for “involuntary injuries and homicides”.
by Rémi Dupré
The “Dr. V. affair”, this Grenoble orthopedic surgeon indicted in 2020 for “involuntary injuries and homicides”, is experiencing a new development. While, according to the Grenoble prosecution, “the number of potential victims referred to in the investigation procedure is around 90”, around twenty of them filed a complaint in November 2022, against the vice-president of Council of the Order of Physicians of Isère, Doctor L., for “non-denunciation of a crime or an offense”, learned MO12345lemonde. “The complaint is under treatment,” confirms Eric Vaillant, public prosecutor of Grenoble.
Represented by their lawyer, Edouard Bourgin, these twenty ex-Surgeon-Specients believe that Doctor L. was aware of the controversial practices and indications of Doctor V., in 2014, and should have issued, as that a member of a constituted authority, a report to the public prosecutor under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
To support their allegations, the complainants mention the hearing, in October 2020, as a witness, Doctor B., orthopedic surgeon at the Cedles Clinic, in Echirolles (Isère), where Doctor V. le also officiated Practitioner told investigators that he “received”, “around 2014”, “an appeal” from Doctor L. “of the Council of the Order”: “He told me that it was better to redirect patients to their doctor treating rather than sending them directly to another surgeon in the center. “In this case, Doctor v.
For M e bourgin, “the vice-president of the Council of the Order acted to limit the splashes of the dangerous reputation of this surgeon”. The lawyer denounces “a positive act intended to protect a colleague, a profession”. In 2014, a survey by the ISRA Primary Health Insurance Caisse (CPAM) was underway on Doctor V.’s practices on the basis of reports issued by patients, in 2013.
“Bad patient feedback”
that local doctors knew at the time and the Council of the Order of Isère while several former patients of Doctor V. died, such as Christophe Fuselier, operated on the back in 2007 and died in 2019 after Multiple complications?
In December 2021, during his hearing as a witness, an orthopedic surgeon of Grenoble told the investigators that he “refused to settle” in 2012, with Doctor V. because of the “bad feedback Patients on the overall management carried out “by the latter. His colleagues Grenoble had also told him that they would not “send him patients because of the reputation of Doctor V.”, “whose pricing policy displeased”.
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