With more than 10,000 men, the “PM” was perfectly aware of the risks. But this instance, acquired in Jair Bolsonaro, did nothing to prevent the bags of the institutions of Brasilia.
by Bruno Meyerfeld (Rio de Janeiro, correspondent)
Gyrophares, clogging doors and hooded police officers, holding hand -fired briefcases filled with documents … In Brasilia, after amazement, time is now looking for and arrest of the culprits . This Tuesday, January 10, several arrest warrants were issued, and searches carried out in the capital, aimed at the leaders suspected of being responsible for the ransacking of the main democratic institutions of the country, which occurred on Sunday.
In Brazil, everyone wonders: how have a few thousand disarmed demonstrators were able to invade so quickly and so easily the most sacred and above all kept places in the country – the congress, the presidential palace of the planalto and the Federal Supreme Court? Worse: how were these supporters of Jair Bolsonaro could stay for several hours inside these buildings, demolishing everything without being arrested?
From the start, a scenario is dismissed. “What happened on January 8 is neither the fact of a lack of means, nor an incompetence of the police: the Brazilian police, from the carnival to the football matches, are running out of management of crowds “, insists Jacqueline Muniz, anthropologist at the Federal University Fluminense and specialist in public security. According to her, “all of this has been built, premeditated, allowed, authorized, encouraged and desired by many at the top of the police hierarchy”.
The will of the radicals to walk on institutions was also known to all and for years. On several occasions, Jair Bolsonaro had threatened to launch his “soldiers” to assault the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs. This was the case on September 7, 2021, during major demonstrations. The sacking was then avoided with a thread, thanks to the intervention in extremis and decisive of Luiz Fux, president of the supreme court, who then threatened the far -right president of dismissal.
des worrying alert bulletins before the attack
In Brazil, responsibilities are often all the more difficult to establish as the architecture of the fonts is complex. The federal police (PF), equivalent of the FBI, and the road police (PRF), thus obey the orders of the national government, while the military police (PM), in charge of maintaining order, and which counts the workforce The most important -500,000 agents -are placed under the command of the governors of the 27 states of the federation.
It is the latter, and in particular the military police of the Federal District of Brasilia, who is today at the center of criticism. With more than 10,000 men, it was perfectly aware of the risk of invasion. A few hours before the attack, while thousands of Bolsonarists converged on the capital, the national intelligence agency, the abin, already transmitted to the authorities of the capital of worrying alert bulletins.
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