The deputies adopted at first reading the end of the sale and the use of electric or stranglers. Almost unanimously, parliamentarians have judged these counterproductive and suffering generators.
by Mathilde Gérard
There are prices ranging from fifty to several hundred euros, over the counter in major pet stores or sports items. Spikes, strangers or electric … These so -called “dressage” devices “sold to dog owners (and more rarely cats) wanting to control the barking of their animal, avoid their fugue or do not shoot on the leash, are Factors of physical and mental suffering for the animal, and could soon be prohibited in France.
Monday, January 16 in the evening, the deputies voted almost unanimously (111 votes for, 5 against) a bill prohibiting the sale of these coercive tools and punishing their use of a fine of 750 euros. The text had received the approval of all the political groups of the National Assembly, on January 10, in the Committee on Economic Affairs. It is therefore in a climate of Concorde that this “modest but expected proposal was voted at first reading, which responds to a strong demand from the fellow citizens”, according to the rapporteur’s words, the rebirth deputy of Haute-Garonne Corinne Vignon .
For M vignon, prohibiting these necklaces is an issue of empowerment for dog owners, as well as professionals – educators and veterinarians – who intervene with them. “The problem of the necklaces is that they are over the counter and that the master is not even aware that they are mistreatment, argues the elected official, appointed at the end of December 2022 President of the study group” Condition and well- Being animals “in the National Assembly. However, the animal erected in pain and physical constraint is an animal that will have physical, psychological problems, and which is more likely to be biting.”
One in five dogs wore one of these devices
To what extent is the use of these necklaces widespread? The sales figures are not known but a study conducted in France in 2018 suggested that one in five dogs carried one of these devices during his life. In a notice rendered in November 2022, the French Association of Care animals (AFVAC) estimates that “the use of training necklaces has deleterious consequences on the physical and mental health of the animal” and that “their use in education is not justified “. The association confirms that these necklaces can lead, in almost 10 % of cases, physical lesions, such as burns with skin necrosis, that they can favor phobic, anxious or depressive states in animals, and aggravate certain behavioral disorders.
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