The Senate Law Commission amended the Olympic bill on Wednesday. Associations for the defense of individual freedoms denounce the use of surveillance algorithms, a device deemed ineffective and dangerous.
by Antoine Albertini
The Senate Law Commission amended, Wednesday, January 18, the article of the bill relating to the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2024, which aims to strengthen the means of video surveillance with the experiment of “intelligence devices artificial “. “During a rather peaceful meeting, without particular tensions”, according to the senator (LR) Agnès Canayer, the rapporteur of the text, the law commission added “strong guarantees” to the text proposed by the government.
“This device devotes a major innovation: the use of increased cameras”, underlines Ms. Canayer, and constitutes “an advance which will make it possible to generate time and means for the police”. If the use of facial recognition technologies, one time envisaged, has been dismissed, the algorithms, which will be used by fixed or on -board cameras in drones, must in this case make it possible to automatically identify “predetermined events”. The list of these has not yet been stopped: it could, in particular, of crowd movements, suspect or apparently abandoned objects.
Limited in time and space, this experiment would be subject to authorization from the police prefect in Paris and, in the departments, to that of the prefect. With regard to the making of algorithms, “the CNIL [National Informatique and Liberties Commission] must support this step and assess the system, in particular with regard to transparency in data learning”, decided the senators. As for the surveillance process, it will be “placed under constant human control, with the possibility of being interrupted at any time”.
Similarly, in terms of information obligation, the prefect of police will be recipient of a weekly account of the use of these technologies, like the CNIL, once every three months. The public could, on the other hand, be much less off: the bill provides that, in cases where this information would “contradict the purposes pursued”, the authorities can dispense with it. One of the amendments, however, plans to limit the “cases in which the right of information can be excluded” and advocates “the organization of general public information on the use of algorithmic treatments”.
“Provisions found in each of the security laws”
again to its beginnings, the parliamentary discussion on the law Jo 2024, in particular its security component, provides privileged land to vigilance associations, which intend to carry a debate in the public square which is still struggling to seize itself .
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