Aged 15 and 16 years old, these adolescents from Choisy-le-Roi were placed in pre-trial detention. A 16 -year -old high school student had been killed and another injured Monday a few meters from his establishment.
They are 15 and 16 years old and its originals from Choisy-le-Roi, in Val-de-Marne. Four minors were indicted on Wednesday January 18 for voluntary homicide in organized gang and attempted homicide in a band organized for their participation in the brawl which claimed life on Monday to a 16-year-old in Thiais (Val-de Marne), announced the prosecution of Créteil.
These adolescents were then placed in pre -trial detention by a judge of freedoms and detention, in accordance with the requisitions of the prosecution.
Two of them “are appointed either by witnesses or by the injured victim, as the stab wounds on the two victims,” said the prosecution on Tuesday.
A 16-year-old teenager named Tidiane died on Monday a few hundred meters from the Guillaume-Apollinaire high school, where he was educated, after having received a stabs near the heart. A second of the same age was seriously injured in the thigh, without his vital prognosis being engaged. The first elements of the investigation were oriented towards a rivalry between two bands of Choisy-le-Roi and Thiais, two neighboring cities of Val-de-Marne, between which the tension has been riding for ten days.
“band phenomenon”
“The circumstances of the aggression, the operating mode and the personality of the suspects lead us to issue the hypothesis that the facts have been committed within the framework of what is called a” gang phenomenon “opposing Young people from different neighborhoods, “said Créteil prosecutor on Monday. The victims were both from the Grignon district, in Thiais, and educated at the Guillaume-Apollinaire high school.
According to a source close to the file, the brother of one of the indictments were struck at the beginning of the month during a brawl. This attack could be the reason for the assault on Monday, which would be revenge.
One of the four young imprisoned Wednesday evening is notably known to justice for a series of aggravated violence facts which earned him an indictment in a separate case, dating from 2021. He was placed under judicial control with prohibition to go to Thiais.
A white march in tribute to the young Tidiane will be organized on Saturday. The latter was unknown to justice, the Créteil prosecutor said on Monday, Stéphane Hardouin.
In Paris and in the neighboring departments of the small crown, the authorities have identified at least three dead and 279 injured during clashes between bands in 2022.