The murder of the 16-year-old high school student in front of his establishment in Thiais, in Val-de-Marne, on Monday, would be the consequence of a rivalry between two bands of Choisy-le-Roi and Thiais according to the prosecutor of the Republic of Créteil.
by Lucie Soullier
A deadly stabs near the heart. A 16-year-old teenager died on Monday January 16, a few hundred meters from his high school in Thiais, Val-de-Marne. A second of the same age was seriously injured in the thigh, without his vital prognosis being engaged. The first elements of the investigation are oriented towards a rivalry between two bands of Choisy-le-Roi and Thiais, two neighboring cities of Val-de-Marne, between which the tension has risen for ten days.
It is barely 8 am on Monday when a group of five to ten young individuals watch, at the corner of a street adjacent to the Guillaume-Apollinaire high school. According to witnesses, the group continues the two victims over a few tens of meters, then one of the young people left a stabbing weapon. When help arrived, the body of the first teenager is found lifeless. Two sparklers, a broken golf club and a piece of wood are discovered on the scene, as well as a knife, a little further.
During a press conference, the Public Prosecutor of Créteil, Stéphane Hardouin, said that several suspects had quickly been identified, and that one of them had been arrested at his home two hours later , in Choisy-le-Roi. He was immediately placed in police custody. Aged 16, he is known to the police and justice services for acts of aggravated violence and participation in an armed crowd dating from May 2021. He was then 15 years old, and was indicted for voluntary violence aggravated and referred to the children’s court. At the time of the facts, Monday, January 16, he was placed under judicial supervision, with in particular the ban on going to Thiais, except to follow his schooling. The young suspect had himself filed a complaint for violence committed on December 16, during a brawl in the rue du Lycée Guillaume-Apollinaire, where the young people of Thiais and Choisy-le-Roi coessé.
Potential reprisals
“The circumstances of the aggression, the operating mode and the personality of the suspects lead us to issue the hypothesis that the facts have been committed within the framework of what is called a” gang phenomenon “opposing Young people from different neighborhoods, “said Créteil prosecutor. In this case, the victims are both from the Grignon district, in Thiais, and educated at the Guillaume-Apollinaire high school. A recent event also raises the question of potential reprisals.
Friday January 13 at 9 p.m., about fifteen individuals, some wearing knife or hammer, were indeed seen heading to the bus stop “Thiais Village” in the direction of Choisy-le-Roi. Four of them – one adult and three minors – were presented to justice on Sunday for acts of participation with weapon in a crowd. The names of the victims, unknown to justice, as of the respondent does not appear in this case, wanted to specify the prosecutor of Créteil, adding however that the investigation will have to determine “the possible relations” between “the event” “Friday and the ambush on Monday morning.
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