Paris: Anne Hidalgo announces citizen vote on fate of self-service electric scooters

This simplified referendum will take place on Sunday April 2 in the polling stations of the capital “on the basis of electoral files”, announced the mayor of Paris, on Saturday, in an interview with the “Parisian”.


Parisians will be called to the polls on Sunday, April 2, to decide on the maintenance or not of self-service scooters in the capital, announced Anne Hidalgo, Saturday January 14, in a Interview with Parisian readership .

This simplified referendum, or “vote”, will be “in polling stations”, “on the basis of electoral files”, and will have to “answer a very simple question: we continue or not with the self-service scooters? “Explained the socialist councilor, head of the city since 2014.

The mayor of Paris is leaning on the cessation of self-service of electric scooters. “But I will respect the voting of Parisians,” she said, stressing that a recent consultation of the inhabitants of the capital showed that the subject was “very divisive”.

a ban to “appease the streets and sidewalks “?

At the end of September, the town hall had threatened the three operators Lime, Dott and Tier, who total a fleet of fifteen thousand vehicles, not to renew their contract. This matters at the end of March.

Between accidents and users circulating in two or on sidewalks, dotted with poorly parked scooters, the town hall wonders about the “cost-benefit reports” of the scooters, as well as their “environmental cost”, had stressed The assistant of M me hidalgo in charge of mobility and roads, the ecologist David Belliard.

The debate does not concern the scooters of individuals, for whom there is “no problem”, however specified M me hidalgo. But the self-service without a boundary attachment (or free-floating) “is not green” and “the employees of these companies are not properly protected” on the social level, she argues.

“It’s bulky, it’s dangerous”, adds in a reaction to the agency France-Presse M. Belliard, who also chose the NO camp, to “appease [the] streets and [the ] sidewalks “. “We have too many negative lifts”, he sums up.

A “street code” will be presented in June

To save their place in one of the most visited cities in the world, a very symbolic market, the operators had formulated at the end of November eleven proposals to strengthen the safety of users and pedestrians, and better integrate the vehicles in the ‘public space. Among these, a license plate to facilitate the verbalization of users who grill the lights or roll in pairs.

Regarding the difficulties of traffic and cohabitation of mobility modes (car, public transport, bikes, scooters, scooters …) on the capital’s tracks, M me hidalgo estimated that Paris caught up in the matter and was currently in “a transition phase”. “Everyone tries to find their place, a little at the expense of the other. Except that at the end the most fragile remains the pedestrian,” she said.

He “misses a street code, to say how we behave and how the municipal police sanction those who do not respect the rules”. A “citizen assembly” is currently working on this “street code [which] will be presented in June”, announced the mayor of Paris.

/Media reports cited above.