Recall, attackers attacked Australia’s fire and rescue service in Victoria on December 15, 2022. Hackers managed to cause interruptions in many systems and force FRV to turn off their network, continuing to work in offline mode. Among other things, cybercriminals stole data from the computers of the service, including information about the current, former and seconded employees.
January 6, 2023, the Service announced the incident to the Commissioner’s management and revealed the preliminary results of the internal investigation. Based on the published documents, the hackers fell into the hands of the hackers:
complete names;
physical addresses;
email addresses;
phone numbers;
date of birth;
medical data;
extremely personal information about sexual orientation, race, disability, religion, qualifications, political and religious views;
Bank accounts;
Superrannoua data;
passport data;
Driver rights;
tax dossiers;
birth certificates, death and marriage.
In addition to all of the above, attackers were able to steal letters from corporate electronic boxes.
The results of the investigation appeared after the Vice Society group said that it was behind the attack on FRV and promised to drain everything stolen into the network in the near future. On January 10, a record of hackers appeared on the hackers website with reference to the stolen data. Now this link does not work, which gives firefighters a small delay before their data will be publicly available.