“Didier Deschamps, coach without great genius, is nonetheless one of best coach in history”

The Didier Deschamps contract at the head of the French team was extended until July 2026, without much surprise. After the failure of Euro 2021, the French team’s journey in Qatar replaced it in a comfortable position, without any competition than this one – too virtual – by Zinédine Zidane.

Three major tournament finals contested, a world title: the balance sheet, which must also be placed in the perspective of taking office in 2012, the aftermath of a period of political chaos and sports slumps , suffers little contestation.

Despite everything, a fringe of irreducible detractors does not take off, made up of good football connoisseurs. COMPAIRS: their detestation, old, can only be exacerbated by a longevity which gives their sentence a perpetuity character.

esthetes and tacticians

This resentment is increased by the mortification of having also constantly deceived on the account of their Nemesis, as a result of an original sin: you should never, in football, do a question, whatever it Or, a personal affair, because you always lose your lucidity.

We will also defend ourselves from all complacency towards the character: for thirty years, he has taken part in the greatest victories of French football, but also in some of his turpitudes, was a pillar of OM of Tapie and the Juventus of the Agricultural Doctor, is today a guardian of the dilapidated temple of the French Football Federation (FFF).

Asthetes and tacticians converge by reproaching him for his little attractive game project, his too exclusive culture of the result. However, if they systematically bored for ten years in front of the Blues’ matches, the problem comes more from them than from the coach. This desire to make yourself unhappy is not very healthy.

As long as football remains a competition sport and not an artistic discipline, that the outcome of the matches will not be decided by a jury, the results must be faith. At the cost of a daring contortion, some push “Ddtestation” until you see, in the defeats in the final of Euro 2016 and the 2022 World Cup, a verdict of failure for Deschamps, ultimately more loser than Winner.

You have to have a little reason to consider that these results are poor, or to put them on the account of luck, or even affirm that with this pool of players, capable of defeating all the vagaries of this sport, It was necessary to win everything.

o amnesia of the dark years of the selection, however not so old, Ô ignorance of the number of large nations which can bitterly envy such courses, Ô spoiled youth which does not measure the exceptional character of the recent period …

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/Media reports cited above.